
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 13437, & I might cry soon...

So, I still can't run.

I tried today.  I went to the gym.  I stretched for 15 minutes.  I did 2 miles on the elliptical machine.  I moved to the treadmill and warmed up for 5 minutes.  And then, I tried to speed up.  The limp came in about 3 minutes, at a 10:00 minute pace.

I will miss my 10K next Monday.  I will not be trained to race the Murfreesboro Half, even  if I am healed properly.  And the full, well, why bother thinking about that now.  I can't even run to the end of my street...

I am unable to run, race, train.  I am currently unable to let go.  Unable to escape.

Meanwhile, Biden just said, in his convention address, that if you try, you will succeed.  BULLSHIT!  I tried to run today, but I didn't succeed.

That is a post for another time...

Ever notice that I try to stay clear of the politics here?

I have also been interviewing managerial candidates for the new restaurant.  Almost all are mediocre.  A few are passable.

One of the decent ones?  Yeah, he sent me a rejection letter today.  Mind you, I did NOT offer him a position yet.  I don't know that I would have.  Neither here nor there, though.  He told me no.  Nice...

So, I might cry soon.

I am going into what might be one of the most difficult moments of my life.  I am not bitching.  I am stressed.  I am scared.

I am learning.

When we opened the last one, we had nothing to lose.  This time is different.

I am learning fear.


I am done here.

Wonder what the "messiah" is going to do for me...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 13435, & get ready for it...

So, this could very well be the gayest post I have ever posted.  God help us!

Yesterday was a typical day for me.  And then, I woke up...

Saturday was a rough night.  It was a nice night .  I went to 3 Crow to watch a Kenyan win the Olympic Marathon.  OK, I actually went to see how all the non-Kenyans would do.  Yea, America!  9th and 10th?  Pretty good, since they were mainly behind the crazy-fast African runners.  And really?  2:11:59?  Still ridiculous fast...

Now, the problem with watching the marathon at a bar?  Beer.  Don't get me wrong.  Beer is NEVER a problem.  However, the "flu" I caught from all the "marathon watching" was a bit of a problem.  When Jay got up for brunch Sunday at 5, I was not feeling so well.

No worries though, as I got to go back to sleep for what I decided would be 3 and a half hours.  Plenty of time to rest away my "flu-like" symptoms.

And then, at 6, the phone rang?  It was Jay.  Why?  Because some no good, lazy ass, dip shit, fuck face decided to break into our outdoor, walk-in cooler at the restaurant for the second time in a month.

Nothing was taken this time.  Clearly, the new alarm sensor we had installed did the trick.  I hope he pee'd himself.  Last time, by the way, as I just realized that I didn't post about it, he got about 600.00 worth of steaks.  Still very suspicious, if you ask me...

Anyhoo, the day started out pretty lousy: tired, slightly "influenza'd," with a still-way-too-sore-left calf.  So, I went in to work to deal with my least favorite shift of the week.  I love brunch, don't get me wrong.  I love to eat brunch.  I do NOT love to work brunch.  Huge difference!

So, here is the teaser.  Of course, if you saw yesterday's FaceSpace updates, you already know who is in Nashville for a visit. 

Now, as I said, I went into work, a bit grumpier than usual.  And, knowing that we would have to deal with the lock, bar, etc., on the cooler, I knew that the day would not have a pleasant ending either.  Jay would not make it to the gym.  Jay would not make it to any open houses.  (No, we aren't looking for a house.  He just likes them.)  And Jay?  He is just as much a creature of habit as I am.  And when Jay can't go through his routine?  Yeah, it affects me, too...

Also, to add insult to "injury," Sundays are usually my recovery run day.  Easy, pretty, enjoyable runs on the greenway.  My favorite of the running days.  But not now.  In fact , with no substantial running in weeks due to this stupid injury, I was even more agitated...

What could salvage this day?

You ready for it?

Yes, guessed it.  I met Wonder Woman yesterday!

Now, let me explain.  I am pretty much consumed by Madonna.  I am dying to be friends with Kelly Ripa.  I will lose it if Reese Witherspoon ever graces my restaurant's doorway.  All that said...

I have had a thing for Wonder Woman since I was 7!  Lynda Carter trumps them all.  Granted, now, at this point in my life, I have a whole different outlook on it.  Wonder Woman means a whole different thing to the 36 year old gay man than it does to the pre-pubescent, not-yet-orientated young 'un.  But you know what?  She is one hot 58 year old!!!

When she got out of the car, right out front, I thought I might vomit.  Instead, I opened strong.

You know, I will just say, I actually have the pilot episode of Wonder Woman on my iPhone.

Really, I do have it on my iPhone.  I swear.

She high fived me.

Later, when I felt it appropriate, I checked their table.  All good.  Lynda offered to autograph my phone, but thought it seemed silly.

It has a case.  You can sign it.

Apparently, she was kidding.

I regained my composure.  I have to be a professional.  I can't get caught up with all the celebrity.  So, when she left, I thanked them all (4-top) for coming in.  They all seemed to have enjoyed themselves.  I looked at her and apologized for all  the gushing.  She looked at me, said not to worry, and then she leaned in.  I saw it coming, and I just tried to stay balanced, as my knees were about to give...

Yep, I got kissed on the cheek by Wonder Woman.  And, it was AWESOME!

Wonder Woman saved me.

Well, at least, she definitely saved my Sunday!

I came close, but I never got the nerve to ask for a photo op.  Just too inappropriate.  So, instead, I snapped a bunch of pictures through the door, all discreet like...

Meanwhile, last week:

1 mile running, 1 mile walking, 1 trip to the doctor.

This week:

We'll see.  Physical therapy tomorrow...

Oh, and congrats to Lori and Jamie and their new one, Violet.  Its about time!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 13432, & I am not broken...

So, I do not have a stress fracture.

I DO have shin splints.  Posterior shin splints.  Well, actually, I have shin splint...

Now, I have had shin splints before.  These, as it turns out, were anterior shin splints.  Apparently, there are different kinds of shin splints.  Who knew?  Not me.

Anyway, I really liked Dr. Smith.  He was patient with my injury narration, my medical opinions, and my defense of mileage.  He also seemed somewhat sympathetic to my need for an explanation that suited my needs.

I questioned the injury, now going on 10 days hurting.  He explained that the other muscles weren't doing their job, allowing these micro tears in the tissue.  This also explains why my right shin/calf was so quick to recover last month.  As I have said, my right side?  Strong.  My left? Not strong.  


Well, the weak muscle issue is a natural assumption (also suggested my Nat when she talked about the mysterious shin muscle that begins to develop over time.)  Overuse, but also poor stretching.  And, low arches or flat feet.  He did not mention over-pronation, but that always seems to be a usual suspect.


I sat there, dreading the word.  I knew it was bound to come up.  And then, like ripping off the band aid, I asked:

So, just rest then?

No, not really.  Thank god!  Actually, he said a better stretching program, more recovery in my schedule, ice, and some massage.  He seemed big on the stretching.  I have always considered myself a responsible stretcher.  He did show me one stretch for my issue that I didn't know.


I have 8 physical therapy appointments.  Yes, I get 8 insurance paid sessions with a PT for shin splints.  Am I gonna go?  Yep.  At least a few times.  Some stretching, some assessment of my abilities, and maybe a bit of massage.  Yeah, I can go for that...

So, in a nutshell, I am still able to run.  Once I feel up to it, rather once my leg feels up to it, I am free to continue my training.  Based on my soreness this morning, I think it is definitely time to get back into it, or into something.  My legs are getting tight.  It is that lazy kind of tightness, the kind that needs exercise.  

My first PT appointment is Tuesday.  I will stay off the road till then.  I will stick with my enemy, the elliptical.  Just in case...

I am not sure what this will do to my training plan.  I am out 2 weeks.  I am going to wait and make that call once I get back out there.  I am going to have to reduce my mileage at first, building it back sensibly.  We'll see...

BTW, what's up with the women's 20K walk?  They look like aliens.  It gave me nightmares.  All that said, they are still fast.  I just don't get the point.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 13429, & I am going to the doctor...

So, maybe it is psychological...

Maybe, it is paranoia...

Whatever it is, it hurts.

I tried to run today for the first time in a week.

My last run?  Last Monday.  Interval training.  According to my shoe guy, my recovery time from the long run was way too short.  That makes sense.  Now.

As I have mentioned, I had a right shin/calf issue after the 4th of July 10K.  It lasted the duration of my trip to Kansas.  This was also unfortunate because running is pretty much the only activity I had planned for in Kansas.  Anyway, I got one decent run in after the race, and then the pain.  I took it easy on my return home.  I used the elliptical that week and the problem went away.

When I noticed a similar shin/calf pain last week in my left leg, I implemented the same treatment.  Elliptical and rest.  I bought new shoes and consulted with my guy.  I felt good about my plan.  

And then, it dawned on me a few days ago, as it still hurt to get out of bed first thing.  What if I have a fracture?  What if I am doing further damage?

Where would I get this idea?  Charlie.  Because, as you might also know, it is easy to assume other people's symptoms.  It is easy to wonder if it can happen to me... 

My leg feels tender, not painful.  Except when I run.   Then it hurts.

My run today was at the Greenway.  I stretched for 15 minutes.  I started at a slow, easy pace.  I picked it up to a still conservative 9:30 pace.  At 1 mile, I noticed I was almost limping.  So, I stopped and walked.  And the pain was worse.  It took me 20 minutes to walk the mile back.

But I didn't cry.

I got home, and looked up sports medicine.  Again, I am going to TN Orthopaedic Alliance, home of the TN Titans' doctors.  I checked out all the doctors ahead of time though.  I picked Dr. Smith.  No.  Dr. Stuart Smith.  Why?  Cause he's a runner.  And? Also a doctor.  He should know what I need to do.  Right?

I guess it is elliptical and core again tomorrow.  I will say that these injuries are really focusing me on my core work again.  Much need core work, I might add.

As I sit here and write this, I am not in pain.  I am fine, unless I run, or apply pressure just behind the inner shin bone.

My appointment is Thursday...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 13426, & happy birthday, Esther...

So, one of the top 5 women in entertainment turned 50 today...

This was 2 years ago.

Yeah, I was right there, next to the horsey.  Believe me, nothing jiggled.  She is amazing hot!

Meanwhile, we have exhibit B.

"Karate, Karate, put your hands all over my body..." (Should be funny to only one person, I think...)

This birthday observation is interesting why? Besides, that it just is?

Because today, it just so happened that the Olympics' Women's Marathon was won by a 38 year old woman, setting a new age record.  And, you know what?  Her name is Dita.  And you know what else?  She is the fucking mistress tonight!!!

Congrats to Romania and to Constantina Tomescu-Dita, with a freakish pace under 5:45!

And also, snaps to Radcliffe for her finish.  I haven't even been able to start.

And, of course, Happy Birthday, Madge!  Can't wait to see you soon, from the 16th row! Twice!

Hugs and birthday/marathon winning beers, bitches!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 13424, & I love to eat foot...

So, I basically whined my way through my last post.

I am not apologizing.

Just acknowledging.

And feeling a bit guilty.

I am upset about soreness.  But.  There are worse things.  I promise.

And no, I am not talking about how hard it would be to run if I had flipper feet like some people.  BTW, of course, I AM jealous!  Who isn't?

Anyway, I went and got new shoes today.  What kind?  The same.  Once again, I went to Robert for shoes, and free medical advice.  I discussed my speed issues.  He discussed the flaws in my training plan.

Everybody is different.  Everyone has an opinion.


Take Nat's and Robert's opinions and mush them together, along with my own training plan.


Yea, me!

Not really, but sort of.  Robert said I wasn't getting enough recovery time.  Nat said I just needed to avoid injury.  I explained to Robert that my goal was only sub 4:00.  I also explained that I was now counting on race day magic and mostly the fact that Nat would be bossing me through the whole race, I hope.

His thoughts?

Well then, listen up!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 13423, & I am not an athlete...

So, this week marks one year of gym membership.  Therefore, this week also marks my first year of actually following through at my attempt to be physically fit.  Ironically, it also seems to represent what I am beginning to see as a failure.

As I have always known, I am quite competitive.

I am also quite the perfectionist.

Mainly though, I am quite the addict.  I have a very addictive personality.  Just ask the bartenders at my local watering hole.  I have no hobbies.  I have addictions.

That said, when I am unable to get my fix, I get grumpy and a bit whiney.  (Note, that is your warning about this post...)

I started running in February.  I started quite aggressively.  This resulted in what I remember as temporary paralysis. I could barely walk for weeks.  So, despite my need to run, I stayed away from the treadmill for several weeks.  Eventually, I eased back into exercise, on the elliptical machine until my legs trusted that I wasn't going to wreck them again.

Then, I tricked them back into running.  And, I took it back up at a much less aggressive rate.  This new approach did not result in pain, injury, or the sidelines.  Instead, I quickly became one of those people.  You know, one of those runner people.  Everyone knows one.  Running, blah blah, blah.

No, I have to go.  I can't stay up late.  I have to get up in the morning for a run.

You know, if you didn't smoke, you would have a much easier time exercising.

Ask me how far I ran today.

and so on...

Then, as I improved my endurance, I realized that I could easily finish a half marathon.  And, when I ran 13.1 miles for the first time, and didn't die, I realized that I could probably train to run a full marathon.

Now, I know that I could run a full marathon.  I might not enjoy running one, but I know that I could do it.  However, the competitive spirit still lives here.  Therefore, if I am going to run a full marathon, I am going to run it.  Now, I don't mean crazy run, like in less than 3:00, or even less than 3:30.  I think a sub 4:00 first marathon will be ok with my competitive side.

So, with an introductory understanding of my psyche, imagine my disappointment.  It seems that I have trouble with speed.

I am 3 and a half weeks into a 16 week marathon training program, and again, I am sore.  Well, I am not sore, but my left calf is quite sore enough for the both of us.  It is now suffering from the same affliction that the right calf battled through a few weeks ago.  Only, true to form, my right side is quite the champion.  It always rallies quickly.  Because? My right side is stronger.  This is something I know.  I have been battling left-side inferiority for the duration of my current, year long exercise regimen.

My medical diagnosis?  At first, I thought tendonitis.  I have never had tendonitis and I have never had this kind of pain.  That seemed to be a rational correlation, in my medical opinion.  But then, after consulting my medical journals, aka Google, I now think it is calf strain due to over pronation.

My solution, more new shoes.  Well, new shoes and a conversation, read scolding, with my buddy at Team Nashville.  I am assuming that when I point to the affected area, inside calf, right behind the shin bone, he will know what is wrong.  And the shoes?  Well, I want new shoes.  Who doesn't?  But, I am also thinking that my original pair have over 400 miles on them.  Definitely time to retire them from running.

Why speed?  (Remember, 4 ranting paragraphs prior?)  Well, I have no issues after running distances.  The issues come after interval and tempo runs.  The issues come when I run any distance at a sub 8:45 pace.  Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes two.  It happened to my right leg after my last 10K.  It happened to my left, again, this week after my interval run.

5X1000m at 8:30, with 9:40 recoveries mixed in.  7.4 miles on the treadmill doing intervals and now I can't run.  Last week, I noticed the same problem after 20 minutes at 8:40 in the midst of an 8 mile tempo run on the treadmill.  Maybe it is the treadmill?  No, I doubt it.

Am I destined to be an over 4:00 marathoner?  I don't think I would like running for over 4 hours.  I still have doubts that I will like running over 3 hours.  I know I like running for 2:00 to 2:30.  At least I can still have that 15 mile run.

So, last week's training:

Monday- 5 miles, treadmill, interval
Tuesday- 5 miles, treadmill, hill setting for 2 miles, steady 9:15-ish
Wednesday- 8 miles, treadmill, tempo
Thursday- Elliptical, 3 miles, cross training
Friday- Nothing! Rested. Whatever...
Saturday- 15.1 on the road, some hills and bridges, 9:47 pace, no walking
Sunday- 4 miles, greenway, flat, easy 9:22, despite my efforts to run it slower

And yes, lots of icing down, stretching, etc., so I don't think the problem lies with my care giving abilities.  My legs are not neglected...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 13417, & I thought I might take Nat's advice...

So, apparently some people get a bit impatient when you don't post
enough for her liking. As a result, she might start offering
ridiculous suggestions about where and when you can and should write
your blog entries.

I disagree with this attitude, but only as it applies to me. If I am
having coffee and computer time, you had better posted a new entry for me.

However, despite my objections, I am trying out the Mail-to-blogger

If I am unhappy with the result, this might be my last post from the
phone. Genius as the iPhone is, it is not good for accessing Blogger...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 13415, & quite a few other days, too...

So, if running details bore you, then this isn't the post for you.

After being sidelined for a bit after July's 10K, it took me awhile to get back into the routine of my training. Once my leg stopped giving me trouble, it got hot and our manager left town for 8 days. Any change in my routine always seems to throw me off. Having to close the restaurant at night and still get up early to beat the heat? Not a good way to prepare for a run. I like sleep. I require a minimum of 7 hours on average.

As a result, I have a new friend. Mr. Tread Mill. I used to find the gym runs to be dull. Now, with highs in the mid 90s, I think they are quite, well, cool.

Now, I still manage to get out on the street, but I try to get that started in the mornings, no later than 7. If I can't drag myself out of bed by 6:15, then forget about an outdoor run. Suddenly, I am beginning to understand why all the marathons are in the non-summer months.

Anyhow, I used up all my free weeks. Now, if I really want to run the Chickamauga Full in November, I have to keep with the program. This is discipline that I don't really have. I have really enjoyed running. I am enjoying it less as something required. Again, as I have said before, things are not as enjoyable when they are mandatory.

I am managing to push through the hard days. It is proving more difficult to hold back sometimes on the "rest" days but I am. All said though, I am still having trouble getting into the middle to upper portion of the weekly mileage ranges of my schedule.

I am not a fan of the bare minimum...

So, my runs have been decent. I still haven't learned how to used my Polar watch properly on the indoor runs. I need to read the instructions so that I can retrieve the info afterwards. Needless to say, I just get home and write the mileage down, with little other info. This is proving to be beneficial. I am becoming a little less obsessed with pace and time. I am learning and working on endurance and stamina. I trust that speed will come on its own, with help from hills and my plan.

Week 16 (2 weeks ago) was a bit of a wipe out, for the reasons outlined at the start of this post. I had a great tempo run and a decent long run of 12.5 through Nashville. I totaled out at 28.5 though, due to 2 days of no running. What can I say? I was tired and I was busy.

Week 15 (last week) was much better:

Monday- 3 miles, treadmill, slow and easy (rest day)
Tuesday- 8 miles, treadmill, interval, averaged around 9:00 pace
Wednesday- 6.7 miles, treadmill, hill level 8
Thursday- 5 miles, Greenway, supposed to be tempo, but I ran outta gas after 3 miles and ended at a 10:00 overall pace
Friday- 3 miles, treadmill, easy
Saturday- 13.1 miles, 9:30-ish pace (10:00 with stops) medium hilly city run. I was going for 15, but failed to adjust my route properly. And face it, after 13.1 miles, in the heat, how am I going to run past my house to tack on more miles?
Sunday- 3 miles, slow and easy neighborhood run

Total- 41.8 miles

I am still questioning whether or not I am doing my interval and tempo runs correctly; but, I assume that I am going to benefit from the way I am doing them, regardless of their correctness.

This week is going to be OK, I think. The temperature is going to drop tomorrow and it looks like this Saturday's long run is going to be in the mid to high 60s. Anything under 90 is fine. Anything under 80?

Freakin' fantastic!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 13412, & a day of mourning...

Or, alternatively, a good reason that Beau really doesn't need a koi pond...

So, for the last 3 years, Jay has lived with the fear that one day, an intruder would invade his little homemade Eden.

Yes, Jay is terrified that a blue heron will find his pond and, ultimately, the somewhat pricey pond residents.

I didn't really help to calm this fear when I told him I saw a blue heron on a run one day.  

As I was running just a few miles from home, Jay made me swear that I was careful running home, so as to not let the bird follow me back to the pond for lunch.


I refuse to live in fear.

As it turns out, it isn't blue herons that we need to worry about...

You would never know it to look at her; however, apparently, we need to worry about Lucy.

And we don't have to worry about Casey anymore.

Why, you might be asking?

Well, in case you haven't figured it out, Lucy is a fish killer and Casey was the one that gave her her first taste of blood.

When Jay let her back into the house on Saturday, I thought she was acting odd.  Jay went to give her a reassuring pat on the head.

"Boy, Lucy sure does smell like fish..."

"Maybe she was drinking the pond water..."

Well, as it turns out, she wasn't drinking the pond water.  Rather, apparently, as Casey innocently swam up to Lucy, undoubtedly waiting for her to feed him, she decided he was a toy.  As you can see here, she also tried to bury him.

When we bought this fish last Spring, he was about 6 inches long.  Clearly, he has grown.  What does that mean?  Well, it means Lucy killed a $100.00 fish.  So, at least she has good taste...

Now, in all fairness, I can't say for sure that the fish didn't just jump out of the pond.  I also can't say that Lucy was the guilty one.  

Take a look at her face.

You decide if she looks guilty.

Meanwhile, you just can't beat a good koi funeral...

Ashes to ashes...

We will miss you, Casey.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 13411, & I am back...

So, you might have been wondering where I have been...

Well, I can assure you, I have not been to Hilton Head Island.  I know this because I am pale as a ghost.  Clearly, the majority of my skin hasn't seen sun in months!   I also know because I haven't seen Nat since the Country Music Marathon.  Since she is obviously at the beach every month, I am quite sure that I would have seen her, had I been to Hilton Head.

Now, I don't want to sound bitter.  I have been to the Caribbean...


St Kitts is a lovely island.  Right next to it is Nevis.  Kelly Ripa loves Nevis.  I secretly love Kelly Ripa.  I am still waiting for my BFF Lori to befriend Kelly in Manhattan.  Lori is pregnant now, so I assume that she is bound to run into Kelly sometime soon at a park or a diaper store or something...

I can also assure you, I have not been here...

I was supposed to go to the Adirondacks last month to visit my friend Catherine.  There would have been a nice 10 mile race, clearly beautiful scenery, good company, beer, etc, etc.  I went to Dodge City instead.  It was the good grandson thing to do.  Plus, I could just go see Catherine later.

Nope.  As work always takes control, I suddenly lost my free time.  No travel for me...

But hey, 

I did get to go to Kansas.  I hate to sound unappreciative...

I could have even got my hair did, if I wanted...

But, I didn't wanted to get it did.

Instead, I spent some quality time with the fam.  I am glad for it, blah, blah, blah.  

Now though?

A smidge bitter...

Just a tad mad...

So, all that said, where have I been?


Apparently, it is harder to open a new  restaurant when you already have a restaurant open.  It is also harder to open a restaurant when you fire a Kitchen Manager and your General Manager is out of town for 8 days.  Despite the obstacles, there has been some progress.

This is the bar.  Isn't it nice?  We are going for the minimal look.  Boy, just looking at this picture sure makes me thirsty.

We are still shooting for the end of September to open.

I am so excited I might just vomit.

I am not really that excited, but I really am nauseous...

Aside from work, I restarted my marathon training last week.  Again, as I was covering for a manager, my schedule was thrown off a bit.  This meant getting up later.  Getting up later meant going to the gym to run on the treadmill because,   as I have said before, I hate hot!

Finished out at 28.5 for the week, with 2 days off, but my pace and endurance were great on my runs.  My long run Saturday was supposed to be 14, but I fell short based on a few wrong turns and couldn't get myself to run past my house to tack on the 1.5 mile shortfall.  So, last weeks long run was 12.5 miles at a 9:55 pace that included 2 pit stops.

Anyway, there you have it.  I haven't been posting because I have been working, running, and finding a bit of spare time for beer.  Blogging or beer?  Hummm, not a tough choice...

I do have another post to write after this one, though.  Stay tuned...