As I have always known, I am quite competitive.
I am also quite the perfectionist.
Mainly though, I am quite the addict. I have a very addictive personality. Just ask the bartenders at my local watering hole. I have no hobbies. I have addictions.
That said, when I am unable to get my fix, I get grumpy and a bit whiney. (Note, that is your warning about this post...)
I started running in February. I started quite aggressively. This resulted in what I remember as temporary paralysis. I could barely walk for weeks. So, despite my need to run, I stayed away from the treadmill for several weeks. Eventually, I eased back into exercise, on the elliptical machine until my legs trusted that I wasn't going to wreck them again.
Then, I tricked them back into running. And, I took it back up at a much less aggressive rate. This new approach did not result in pain, injury, or the sidelines. Instead, I quickly became one of those people. You know, one of those runner people. Everyone knows one. Running, blah blah, blah.
No, I have to go. I can't stay up late. I have to get up in the morning for a run.
You know, if you didn't smoke, you would have a much easier time exercising.
Ask me how far I ran today.
and so on...
Then, as I improved my endurance, I realized that I could easily finish a half marathon. And, when I ran 13.1 miles for the first time, and didn't die, I realized that I could probably train to run a full marathon.
Now, I know that I could run a full marathon. I might not enjoy running one, but I know that I could do it. However, the competitive spirit still lives here. Therefore, if I am going to run a full marathon, I am going to run it. Now, I don't mean crazy run, like in less than 3:00, or even less than 3:30. I think a sub 4:00 first marathon will be ok with my competitive side.
So, with an introductory understanding of my psyche, imagine my disappointment. It seems that I have trouble with speed.
I am 3 and a half weeks into a 16 week marathon training program, and again, I am sore. Well, I am not sore, but my left calf is quite sore enough for the both of us. It is now suffering from the same affliction that the right calf battled through a few weeks ago. Only, true to form, my right side is quite the champion. It always rallies quickly. Because? My right side is stronger. This is something I know. I have been battling left-side inferiority for the duration of my current, year long exercise regimen.
My medical diagnosis? At first, I thought tendonitis. I have never had tendonitis and I have never had this kind of pain. That seemed to be a rational correlation, in my medical opinion. But then, after consulting my medical journals, aka Google, I now think it is calf strain due to over pronation.
My solution, more new shoes. Well, new shoes and a conversation, read scolding, with my buddy at Team Nashville. I am assuming that when I point to the affected area, inside calf, right behind the shin bone, he will know what is wrong. And the shoes? Well, I want new shoes. Who doesn't? But, I am also thinking that my original pair have over 400 miles on them. Definitely time to retire them from running.
Why speed? (Remember, 4 ranting paragraphs prior?) Well, I have no issues after running distances. The issues come after interval and tempo runs. The issues come when I run any distance at a sub 8:45 pace. Sometimes it takes a day, sometimes two. It happened to my right leg after my last 10K. It happened to my left, again, this week after my interval run.
5X1000m at 8:30, with 9:40 recoveries mixed in. 7.4 miles on the treadmill doing intervals and now I can't run. Last week, I noticed the same problem after 20 minutes at 8:40 in the midst of an 8 mile tempo run on the treadmill. Maybe it is the treadmill? No, I doubt it.
Am I destined to be an over 4:00 marathoner? I don't think I would like running for over 4 hours. I still have doubts that I will like running over 3 hours. I know I like running for 2:00 to 2:30. At least I can still have that 15 mile run.
So, last week's training:
Monday- 5 miles, treadmill, interval
Tuesday- 5 miles, treadmill, hill setting for 2 miles, steady 9:15-ish
Wednesday- 8 miles, treadmill, tempo
Thursday- Elliptical, 3 miles, cross training
Friday- Nothing! Rested. Whatever...
Saturday- 15.1 on the road, some hills and bridges, 9:47 pace, no walking
Sunday- 4 miles, greenway, flat, easy 9:22, despite my efforts to run it slower
And yes, lots of icing down, stretching, etc., so I don't think the problem lies with my care giving abilities. My legs are not neglected...