
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 13349, & this is a post about nothing...

So, it has been 9 days since my last post. My friend Catherine took note of this today and was kind enough to make me aware of it. (Bear in mind, I really only have to post once every 7 days to keep her appeased, as she only reads my blog on Tuesdays, just before our date night... I am onto you, Catherine...)

Anyhoo, the lack of posts, and my attempt at coming up with one now, has left me to wonder if life has been as uneventful as I might believe.


Rather, I think that it has just been generally unpleasant and stressful. Writing down the details might make me a bit more annoyed. I love avoiding the issues, ignoring the issues that require my attention.

And, I bet that I would look quite hot with some Prada blinders on...

Hence, I will now begin my trivial diatribe of all things insignificant to "the big picture," but still things that make me smile.

First of all, throwing financial caution and far too much testosterone into the wind, I purchased my tickets to Madonna in Atlanta. Yes, I know that I am already going to see the show in Boston; this is why I wasn't too worried about how good the seats would be in Atlanta. This is why I decided I could actually get three seats together, rather than my usual one ticket. This will be my first time sitting with my friends at a Madonna show. And, still, we will be sitting in Section 1, Row N!!! Yep, I will be seeing this tour twice from the 16th row!

God, I'm gay...

Now, moving on, there is a remarkable difference in this year's growing season, thus far anyway. This is one of my oriental lilies, a casa blanca I think. I would say it is currently 84 inches tall. I will be very curious to see how many blooms show up on this one. Come on rain, keep it up...

Jay finally finished his new pond plumbing, pump, filtration, blah, blah, blah. I will give him credit for his efforts. The whole set up is much cleaner looking and the water is moving nicely.

All in all, the pond is done, as far as I am concerned. The lotus seems happy, as do the water lilies, elephant ears, etc. I would venture to guess that the fish are happy too. Even Jay seems happy with things here, for the moment...

Meanwhile, on the exercise front, last week was trying.

First, my trainer was out of town last week. As a result, I forgot to go to the gym. Oops!

Second, it got hot. Now, I guess I have to get up at dawn from here on out. I hate hot!

And then we have the hills. Hills, hills, and more hills. I need to work on speed. Hills and speed. My quads hate me right now.

So, last week was light, but still a challenge:

Monday- Off day after race and post race runs
Tuesday- A pitiful attempt at a street run, 2 miles. What the hell?
Wednesday- Slow 5.7 miles into downtown and back, 2 river bridges (hills)
Thursday- 4.2 miles, to the river, but not over it, 8:45 pace
Friday- Another day off? Really? Dammit, I'm weak...
Saturday- 6.3 miles, 2 bridges, 9:30 pace. I had wanted 7-8 miles, but my heart rate also hates hot.
Sunday- 3.5 miles Greenway, easy 9:15 pace.

Well, as it gets warmer, I am seeing more treadmill in my summertime running program. You see, I don't really care much for early either. In fact, I dislike mornings almost as much as I dislike high temperatures.

If Jay will give in, we will go up to visit catherine in upstate NY in July. Much cooler temperatures by the lake, I'm sure. I even found a 10 Mile race on July 6th. This seems much more appealing than the double loop 10K here in Nashville on the 4th.

I do have high hopes for the coming weeks though. In an effort to boost my own morale, I went shopping today. With Team Nashville Robert's assistance, my feet picked out this pair of Brooks Adrenaline GTS 8s today.

I am confident that they are going to make me faster. Just look at them. They look like they are moving at an 8:30 pace all by themselves. Maybe it is the silver lightening bolts...

And now I will finally get to see what all the MoGo fuss is about...


Anonymous said...

What do you mean I only read your blog on Tuesdays?? It's not like it's ten minutes before I'm supposed to meet you and I'm just checking it now to make sure I can allude to it in my witty repertoire tonight...

It's 6:45 dammit. It's practically still Monday.

And yes, you are incredibly gay.

Nat said...

You know how I know you are gay?
Cause you are.

Psst, hills are speedwork in disguse. Do you speedwork on the greenway. Half mile easy, half mile sprint, half mile easy, half mile sprint etc. Then just do sprints on the areas that are not hilly on your longer runs. Vary the pace.

You have come so far with your running it is so impressive. I think the 10miler sounds awesome.

And if one of your friends bail for Madonna I would like to volunteer as an alternate friend and have their ticket.

Stoph said...

Dearest Nat, if you had a 16th row ticket to Madonna's 50th B-Day tour, would you "bail?"

Meanwhile, you and I in the 16th row of a concert? Seems "opposite of gay"

Yes, my running is crazy amazing! I quote myself from January 23, 2008:

"Me, run? Is that you competing with my sarcasm? As I work on my feet all day, I don't want to risk my knees and ankles on such an unpleasant activity. I have only been working out for 8 months of the last 20 years, so I still have some work ahead of me. Plus, it was exercise, or cut back on the beer. There was no thought needed. "

Where did the crazy rear its head anyway?

Anonymous said...



How the hell did this go from being a post about me to you making hetero jokes with Nat?

Jen said...

Still Nothing?! it's Wednesday........

I would like to read a new post.
