
Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 13817, & another year...

So, I wrote about my 9/11/01 experience 1 year ago.

Sadly, my little protagonist is no longer with us.

Happily though, little Violet is now one year old. She is pretty great.

I am pretty sure that she liked her Auntie Chris, too.

My point? what is it? Oh yes, things change.

There have been quite a few changes over the last 12 months for me. My business footing, my running, my sanity. All changed. I have a tendency to play the victim in much of this change. I have a tendency to dwell in self pity.

On this day though, I have to realize that it is not so bad. My troubles? Minimal. My struggle? Trivial. I am not the victim of circumstance that I like to pretend. On this day, we remember what it really means to be a victim of circumstance.

And while I might think that I deserve to bitch, complain, and wallow in my self pity, I need to suck it up and move forward. Because some people? Some people have a lot tougher than I do.

I have never met Joe, but I have been friends with his wife since college. I read through some of this blog today while I drank my coffee. And then it hit me. I am sitting on my couch at home, drinking coffee, watching TV, and reading. My life? Not as bad as I might think.

So, I am going to try to hold onto this perspective throughout the year. It is not something to be remembered only once every 365 days.

Meanwhile, here is another picture of Violet. Why? Because she is adorable. And? Because she makes me smile.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Day 13815, &...

I am not a president, but I play one on TV...