
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 13333, & the day of my first long run...

Note: Greg, our GM, has been out of town for the last 7 days. He still has 4 to go. I have worked far more than I would like this week. Hence, no posts, no clever insights, no sarcastic wit, nothing. Furthermore, I am writing this post from work, so you just get the basics...

So, when I was a kid, my dad made me run three miles every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I hated it, especially on Fridays. We would go to the track behind the Cobb County Civic Center. 12 laps. I remember every one of them because I was so focused on hating every minute of every lap. Once I turned 16, I got my first job. That got me out of running.

Meanwhile, I should also point out that I had to take piano lessons when I was a kid. I hated this, as well. I managed to talk my way out of piano when I was about 14.

I was also encouraged to save 10% of all my paychecks when I got my first job. However, I was not forced to do this and, of course, I never saved a penny. In fact, saving was something I never believed in until about three years ago. Needless to say, I am WAY behind in retirement planning..

Dammit! My dad was right...AGAIN...

I wish I had saved some of the money I wasted.

I wish I knew how to play the piano, or any musical instrument, for that matter.

I wish that I had never stopped running.

Phasing running back into my routine has proven to be quite challenging, even debilitating at times. However, despite the fact that I have yet to start reading any of the training/running books that I have purchased, I have been quite cautious as of late. Walking and being on my feet are obviously critical to my job. Injury is not really something I can afford.

That said, I threw caution to the wind today.

I ran a seven day stretch from last Thursday to this past Wednesday, about 25 miles. I had been thinking about my weeks in terms of Monday to Sunday. As a result, I failed to realize that I had crossed the 20 mile per week mark or that I had run seven days in a row. I was a bit sore by Thursday.

I took Thursday and Friday off from running. Now, when I say off, I am not including the treadmill warm up on Thursday before weight training. 20 minutes shouldn't count. Friday, though, was a total rest day, except that I worked on my feet for 13 hours.

Feeling like a loser for missing 2 days in a row, I decided to take advantage of my "rested" legs and plan a longer run.

My longest run to date, and ever in my life, as far as I can remember, was the 6 miler a few weeks back. I have been trying to stick to the 10% more per week rule, but doing 6.6 miles today just didn't seem adequate.

Yep, 8 miles!

I went out to the Greenway this morning with every intention of running to the other end, and then back. Having never done this before, I was unsure of the exact distance, but I knew it to be about 4 miles long.

I started out slow, but slow ended up being a 9:15 pace at mile 1. Not really slow. Almost my normal pace, actually. Slowed up to 9:40ish. And held it.

For the whole first half of the run, I was focused on the fear of burning out and having to deal with a 3-4 mile walk back. Adding 45 minutes to my morning would have ruined the rest of my day, as I had to work all night.

My worries seem to have been for nothing. The second half of the run was a piece of cake. I kept my pace under 10:00 and cruised right through. With Eminem on my side at the finish, my last mile was 9:25. I haven't checked with Garmin yet, but I am pretty sure that the split was negative too.

I felt really good during my post run stretching. I didn't notice any real aches and my left knee didn't seem as weak as it has after some of my other shorter runs. We'll see how I feel tomorrow, but the signs seem encouraging that I didn't push too hard.

Final result: 8.06 miles in 1:18:43.

Not too bad for the longest run of my life, to date...


Nat said...

How are the legs now?
And are you training for anything?

Anonymous said...

I assumed the lack of clever posting was your own commentary on the ennui of modern existance and the inherent narcissism of publishing for the world the life story of your sneakers.

I need to stop thinking so much.