
Monday, February 11, 2008

Day 13237, & now my knee

So, maybe my feet have been hurting so badly, I failed to notice that my left knee was really sore.  But today, I noticed.  And it is swollen, on the inside, below the kneecap.  Did I twist it?  I dunno... I am sure that I have form issues.  Nobody was laughing at me though, so it couldn't be that bad.

Anyway, rumor has it that I should expect pain.  Older, wiser people told me it was inevitable.  I knew I was in for a rough ride with running.  I knew it was crazy.  I just didn't know I was old.  I AM old.  But Nat is older (6 months, might as well be 2 years...)

No more running until after the ski trip.  If my knee, or anything indirectly connected to it, still hurts by week's end, I am going to the doctor.  Nothing is keeping me from the slopes.

Apparently, nothing has happened over the last few days worth writing about.  Hence, the posts have been VERY short.  Apologies.

Amy Winehouse won five grammys yesterday.

Amy Winehouse is a trainwreck.  My knee, no so bad.

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