
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 13229, & 13228, and sports???

So, for 13228, I tried to post yesterday, really I did!  But, the blogger refused to upload ANY of the pictures I wanted to include.  Hence, no post... But, it would have been a boring, lazy post anyway.

In our committed effort to boost the economy, Jay and I went camera shopping yesterday.  I got a tiny, miniscule, little Sony.  Jay got the grown up, big boy camera with lenses and stuff, Olympus.  I have NO time for that complicated camera business.

Anyhoo, I was going to post the "test" pics from last night's new toy playin', but they would not upload.  As a result, you, dear reader, were cheated on posts; but, I was cheated on sleep, as I stayed up late trying to get my post right, unsuccessfully, mind you...

cut to almost an hour later...

Well, I still can't seem to upload...I think blogger hates Macs, which is horribly racist!!!  I guess I will have to email to work, then post from a PC.  That is BS.  As a result, post 13229 is now lacking, as well.

It was supposed to be photographic coverage of the GTC Superbowl anti-party at 3 Crow Bar.

I was going for the boys in the blue blouses.  They lost.  No biggie, as both teams were wearing white pants after labor day; they both deserved to lose. OK, maybe the pants were light grey/silver-ish, but still...

I would comment on Jordan Sparks singing the anthem, but I could not hear it over the vagitarians singing over her. (vagitarian=lesbian=lesbanese...)

All in all, the party was great fun.  About half the staff showed up.  I drank way too much beer and stayed out way too late.  Now, the fun part will be seeing if everyone makes it to work on time this morning.


Guess who came in for brunch today... You will not guess, so I will tell you...

Courtney, the New York waitress from Survivor China.  Still super skinny.  She ate 1/5 of her steak benedict.  I checked on her food, she was fine, and the following conversation ensued:

Me:  For three months, I wanted to buy you a sandwich, and now you are not eating the food I have for you...

Her:  I really wanted a sandwich.  If you had brought me one, I would have soooo been in love with you.

Great fun, and she still weighs less than 90 pounds, by the way.

I will try to post again later today, with pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Screw Survivor! I still honestly believe we'd make the ultimate The Amazing Race partners. I'd be dragging you behind my bike with nine bungee cords crying and screaming, "Don't you disappointment me, Lady!" But you'd thank me after we rolled around naked in our million dollars.