
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day 13415, & quite a few other days, too...

So, if running details bore you, then this isn't the post for you.

After being sidelined for a bit after July's 10K, it took me awhile to get back into the routine of my training. Once my leg stopped giving me trouble, it got hot and our manager left town for 8 days. Any change in my routine always seems to throw me off. Having to close the restaurant at night and still get up early to beat the heat? Not a good way to prepare for a run. I like sleep. I require a minimum of 7 hours on average.

As a result, I have a new friend. Mr. Tread Mill. I used to find the gym runs to be dull. Now, with highs in the mid 90s, I think they are quite, well, cool.

Now, I still manage to get out on the street, but I try to get that started in the mornings, no later than 7. If I can't drag myself out of bed by 6:15, then forget about an outdoor run. Suddenly, I am beginning to understand why all the marathons are in the non-summer months.

Anyhow, I used up all my free weeks. Now, if I really want to run the Chickamauga Full in November, I have to keep with the program. This is discipline that I don't really have. I have really enjoyed running. I am enjoying it less as something required. Again, as I have said before, things are not as enjoyable when they are mandatory.

I am managing to push through the hard days. It is proving more difficult to hold back sometimes on the "rest" days but I am. All said though, I am still having trouble getting into the middle to upper portion of the weekly mileage ranges of my schedule.

I am not a fan of the bare minimum...

So, my runs have been decent. I still haven't learned how to used my Polar watch properly on the indoor runs. I need to read the instructions so that I can retrieve the info afterwards. Needless to say, I just get home and write the mileage down, with little other info. This is proving to be beneficial. I am becoming a little less obsessed with pace and time. I am learning and working on endurance and stamina. I trust that speed will come on its own, with help from hills and my plan.

Week 16 (2 weeks ago) was a bit of a wipe out, for the reasons outlined at the start of this post. I had a great tempo run and a decent long run of 12.5 through Nashville. I totaled out at 28.5 though, due to 2 days of no running. What can I say? I was tired and I was busy.

Week 15 (last week) was much better:

Monday- 3 miles, treadmill, slow and easy (rest day)
Tuesday- 8 miles, treadmill, interval, averaged around 9:00 pace
Wednesday- 6.7 miles, treadmill, hill level 8
Thursday- 5 miles, Greenway, supposed to be tempo, but I ran outta gas after 3 miles and ended at a 10:00 overall pace
Friday- 3 miles, treadmill, easy
Saturday- 13.1 miles, 9:30-ish pace (10:00 with stops) medium hilly city run. I was going for 15, but failed to adjust my route properly. And face it, after 13.1 miles, in the heat, how am I going to run past my house to tack on more miles?
Sunday- 3 miles, slow and easy neighborhood run

Total- 41.8 miles

I am still questioning whether or not I am doing my interval and tempo runs correctly; but, I assume that I am going to benefit from the way I am doing them, regardless of their correctness.

This week is going to be OK, I think. The temperature is going to drop tomorrow and it looks like this Saturday's long run is going to be in the mid to high 60s. Anything under 90 is fine. Anything under 80?

Freakin' fantastic!!!

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