Which road was rumored to be paved with good intentions?
Well, summer sucked. I don't do heat. Mentally, I hate heat. Physically, it would seem that my body isn't too fond of 90 degrees, either.
Then there was work. The never ending battle to be in control of my life has been a rough one, most recently plagued with some managerial drama that threatens my schedule every day. People often tell me how lucky I am to own my own business and dictate my own schedule. Ha ha! Mine is a schedule dictated by the whims of others, never by me...
And, let us not forget my new found activism. I just can't imagine where all the time goes. At least I don't have children.
Excuses, excuses...
Well, not really. A million things have gotten in the way of training. When does life ever go the way you plan it? Rarely, at best. We just have to trudge through the shit and move forward. I think I have done a pretty good job of that recently. I even ran my second half marathon last week, shaving 20 minutes of my previous time. It was a good race, despite my resolve to run it, as opposed to racing it. Sub 2 hours, check. Sub 9 minute miles, check? And I accomplished this while recovering from injury, again. A week of rest and my legs were good as new. The entire run felt great and it felt easy. Immediately, post run, however...
And then, post stretching, I tried to stand up and walk.
So, yeah, I think I have runner's knee.
It started a several weeks ago in my left knee, but it went away pretty quickly. Two weeks ago, it returned in my right knee and seems to be settling in for a long, unwelcome stay.
I know what you're saying. Where did you study medicine? I answer with a simple: at the Google. You might also be saying, if you are one of those people, that it is only a matter of time and I am bound to screw my knees up with all the running. Well, maybe so, but I can't imagine a more serious issue would jump from one knee to the other. Additionally, I am guilty of all of the infractions listed as causes. And the symptoms? Dead on...
Meanwhile, I have 22 days until the marathon, my first. I am not going to miss it. The plane ride alone is worth the trip. I don't expect any possible circumstance beyond this coincidental equipment repositioning that will get me on Delta's 777LR. After all, Dubai is not on my itinerary. I need to run to justify my training, but I also need to justify the trip.
Elliptical machine.
Looks like I will be going to the gym and spending countless boring hours on the sleep inducing, life sucking, elliptical trainer.
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger?
Hope so...
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