
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 13424, & I love to eat foot...

So, I basically whined my way through my last post.

I am not apologizing.

Just acknowledging.

And feeling a bit guilty.

I am upset about soreness.  But.  There are worse things.  I promise.

And no, I am not talking about how hard it would be to run if I had flipper feet like some people.  BTW, of course, I AM jealous!  Who isn't?

Anyway, I went and got new shoes today.  What kind?  The same.  Once again, I went to Robert for shoes, and free medical advice.  I discussed my speed issues.  He discussed the flaws in my training plan.

Everybody is different.  Everyone has an opinion.


Take Nat's and Robert's opinions and mush them together, along with my own training plan.


Yea, me!

Not really, but sort of.  Robert said I wasn't getting enough recovery time.  Nat said I just needed to avoid injury.  I explained to Robert that my goal was only sub 4:00.  I also explained that I was now counting on race day magic and mostly the fact that Nat would be bossing me through the whole race, I hope.

His thoughts?

Well then, listen up!



Anonymous said...

It's better than loving to eat plush toys, I guess.

Go run right now... it's beautiful out there.

Anonymous said...

Are you out celebrating the birthday?