
Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 13411, & I am back...

So, you might have been wondering where I have been...

Well, I can assure you, I have not been to Hilton Head Island.  I know this because I am pale as a ghost.  Clearly, the majority of my skin hasn't seen sun in months!   I also know because I haven't seen Nat since the Country Music Marathon.  Since she is obviously at the beach every month, I am quite sure that I would have seen her, had I been to Hilton Head.

Now, I don't want to sound bitter.  I have been to the Caribbean...


St Kitts is a lovely island.  Right next to it is Nevis.  Kelly Ripa loves Nevis.  I secretly love Kelly Ripa.  I am still waiting for my BFF Lori to befriend Kelly in Manhattan.  Lori is pregnant now, so I assume that she is bound to run into Kelly sometime soon at a park or a diaper store or something...

I can also assure you, I have not been here...

I was supposed to go to the Adirondacks last month to visit my friend Catherine.  There would have been a nice 10 mile race, clearly beautiful scenery, good company, beer, etc, etc.  I went to Dodge City instead.  It was the good grandson thing to do.  Plus, I could just go see Catherine later.

Nope.  As work always takes control, I suddenly lost my free time.  No travel for me...

But hey, 

I did get to go to Kansas.  I hate to sound unappreciative...

I could have even got my hair did, if I wanted...

But, I didn't wanted to get it did.

Instead, I spent some quality time with the fam.  I am glad for it, blah, blah, blah.  

Now though?

A smidge bitter...

Just a tad mad...

So, all that said, where have I been?


Apparently, it is harder to open a new  restaurant when you already have a restaurant open.  It is also harder to open a restaurant when you fire a Kitchen Manager and your General Manager is out of town for 8 days.  Despite the obstacles, there has been some progress.

This is the bar.  Isn't it nice?  We are going for the minimal look.  Boy, just looking at this picture sure makes me thirsty.

We are still shooting for the end of September to open.

I am so excited I might just vomit.

I am not really that excited, but I really am nauseous...

Aside from work, I restarted my marathon training last week.  Again, as I was covering for a manager, my schedule was thrown off a bit.  This meant getting up later.  Getting up later meant going to the gym to run on the treadmill because,   as I have said before, I hate hot!

Finished out at 28.5 for the week, with 2 days off, but my pace and endurance were great on my runs.  My long run Saturday was supposed to be 14, but I fell short based on a few wrong turns and couldn't get myself to run past my house to tack on the 1.5 mile shortfall.  So, last weeks long run was 12.5 miles at a 9:55 pace that included 2 pit stops.

Anyway, there you have it.  I haven't been posting because I have been working, running, and finding a bit of spare time for beer.  Blogging or beer?  Hummm, not a tough choice...

I do have another post to write after this one, though.  Stay tuned...


DG Strong said...

Yeah, you should quit it with the Kelly Ripa worship. Next thing you know, you'll be watching The View and agreeing with Sherri FatFace and her "the world IS flat!" nonsense.

Oh and congratulations on your running blah blah miles and doing it in blah blah time; it's riveting!

Nat said...

You know, and I admit this might be a tad controversial, but you could drink beer and blog. It isn't like beer drinking requires much concentration since, after all, by this point, it is almost an instinct, a natural ingrained habit. I mean, I would think that you would be able drink beer with one hand tied behind your back and blindfolded. Really, I think you have a gift with the beer drinking and could quite easily pen a blog post here and there between pints.

You do have that fancy iphone. I hear you can almost perform magic with those things.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...

OK. A couple comments, in the name of constructive criticism:

1. You're secretly in love with Kelly Ripa? Um, where'd you learn how to keep a secret, from Ethel Mertz? Remind me never to tell you about the time J and I... never mind.

2. Wrong turns? Where were you running???? You run the same damn route every stinking morning. How did you make a wrong turn, needless to say wrong turns??

3. That's September 2009, right? Because it's going to take that long for your Repuglican-led economy to bounce back so that there will be people in Nashville to come pay for that bar. Just saying...

Love you. Miss you. Won't be back until the 14th now.