It is not like I don't have anything new to say. It is not like I haven't done anything worth talking about. It is just time better spent working, running, or, quite honestly, drinking beer at the bar.
But, for now, I will just give you a recap of my week, starting with some slow but measurable progress at the new restaurant.
Anyway, when I was in Boston (more on this later,) my hotel was undergoing a multimillion dollar renovation. They are using the same wood finishes. This tells me that we are ok, as I am sure that the Millennium Hotel paid somebody good money to make the same choices.
OK, so I went to Boston last Wednesday to see the Queen of all things gay. Now, you might be thinking that I went to see Cher. That assumption is fine, though wrong, if you are a purist. However, I went to see Madonna, the alternate Queen of Gay.
I woke up at 3:30 AM Wednesday to catch my flight at 5:40. Traveling first thing in the morning is always best. There is no time for delays to build up and snowball. I flew Delta, which meant I had to fly through Atlanta. As I boarded, they said the flight was full. No worries. That is, until the woman and her toddler were standing next to me, waiting for me to allow them into the neighboring seat. NOOOOOOOO! It is 5:30 and that child looks loud. It this an omen. Maybe I should get off the plane.
Fortunately, the kid slept for the short hour long jump. Therefore, so did I.
Next up, two hours in Atlanta. Why is the internet free in some airports and not in others? I think it is a traveler's first clue about the friendliness of a city. Anyhow, with no desire to pay 9 bucks to check my email, I read the paper and called Jay. He told me that there was about to be an announcement on GMA regarding Madonna. Oh shit! She is going to announce her divorce? What if the show is cancelled? How pissed am I going to be if, upon arrival at Logan, I find out that my trip was just an expensive tour of the airways?
Well, my guess was correct. She did announce her divorce. Quel surprise! My worries were unfounded, however. True professional that she is, the show must go on. Really, why would she cancel a show and refund the millions of dollars in ticket sales. After all, she isn't going to have Guy's income anymore. How will she get by on a single earner's salary? Poor Madge and her struggle...
So, I arrive in Boston and head to the hotel, check in, call Jay, and change clothes. I head down to the front desk to find out where I might want to go run. With a series of bad directions from the concierge, I head out and turn on Garmin...
Garmin doesn't like Boston. At least, he doesn't like the parts of Boston with tall buildings. Note, he definitely won't like Manhattan, so don't bother taking him.
I had counted on Garmin to keep me from getting lost. Clearly, he was lost and was going to be no help to me. I was on my own. I had taken 20 buck with me, just in case I needed a cab. Mainly, I was concerned about time. If I got lost, I would fall behind schedule. I needed a nap, food, and time to get ready for the Queen.
Also note, the sidewalks of Boston are not runner friendly. Those charming brick ones are pretty, but not ankle and foot friendly. Also, crowded sidewalks are like the start of a race. Shuffle, dodge, bolt, shuffle, dodge, bolt... Finally, I found Boston Common. Pretty, but hilly. Then some other park with a pond. Then, a bit late, I found...
Sprain, shuffle, dodge, bolt... Not an effective cool down, I assure you. But I made it back without getting lost. So, all ended well.
Once I returned to the hotel, showered, and selected my outfit, I scrolled through countless emails in search of the one regarding my will call ticket. When I bought the ticket back in May, I was not given the option of having it mailed. I would assume this was to curb scalping. It also curbed my canceling the trip, as I wasn't going to eat the cost of the ticket and leave a 14th row seat empty. So, pro or con, I HAD to go see Madonna in Boston. I had no choice.
Just another good reason the restaurant is way behind schedule...
Anyway, the email said that there was some VIP function and that I should arrive 90 minutes early. Yuck on the 6:30 part. Intrigue on the VIP part. As I was by myself anyway, what could it hurt to go down to the show early? I headed out in search of food and drink. Sadly, as I hate oysters and didn't want to take a cab to any of the concierge's recommended spots, I ate at Houstons. Again, sad, I know. At least the bartender was way hot.
Then I headed towards the arena, and stopped at some pub called Hurricane something, blah, blah. The bartender had the personality of a limp salad, but the beers were good. I was limiting my intake, as I wanted to be sober for the show. Remembering the show after all the expense seemed a wise decision, after all. So, after 3 beers, I headed off to the show.
I picked up my tickets, and made my way to the VIP line. And I waited, and waited, and waited. While we watched others go off to their seats, we all waited. At 7:10 we were allowed to enter. And for what? Well, there was an open bar (that was NOT included in my drinking plan) and apparently there was food. And...
I did get to meet some nice people while in line. Some guys from Vermont, and a couple from Europe. The guys from Europe just paid 100,000 for a surrogate and have a 7 month old baby. 100K? I guess there will be no baby for me...
At my seat, I met a guy who was seeing this show for the 6th time. CRAZY! 6 times in a month? $$$ and C.R.A.Z.Y. But at least he was able to tell me what was happening and when I could go to the bathroom without missing much (damn those extra beers!!!)
Apparently Paul Oakenfold was the DJ that opened the show. I, of course, had no idea. True to form, the show started late, way late, around 9:30. And it was fantastic.
Sorry about the annoying guy, but I searched for a clip that looked close to my seat. This was about right. As I said, I was close. The iPhone camera sucks, but...
The show was 2 hours, and it is all a blur now. Not so much from the beers, but from sensory overload.
Good thing I am going again next month. Same seat, other side of the catwalk.
Again, good thing the restaurant is way behind schedule!
Post show, I was exhausted. Having been up for nearly 22 hours, I made my way back to the hotel area, stopped for a beer with the Vermont boys, and then off to bed to dream of Madge.
The next morning, I was a bit flu-like and, sadly, couldn't run. I packed, checked out, and met my former personal trainer for some breakfast and sightseeing. 3 hours and 5+ miles of walking and sightseeing. With my flu-like symptoms, this was not the enjoyable experience I had looked forward to, but Boston is gorgeous and I will go back.
Just not for the marathon anytime in the next few years...
Sorry about the most long winded and boring post ever. Just wanted to get it all in.