
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day 13451, & I have given up running...

So, that headline might be somewhat misleading.

I have given up running, on the treadmill, for now, anyway...

I have spent the last month trying to heal. I have also tried to figure out what caused this injury to begin with.

The usual suspects:
Pronating feet
Flat feet
Aggressive increase in mileage
Lack of rest/recovery time
Inadequate cross training

The new players:
Working on my feet in non-running, pronate like crazy, dress shoes

I have realized that my treadmill time had increased pre-injury. It was hot. I also found it much easier to do my tempo and interval training on the treadmill.

Now, as the discomfort comes and goes, I can tell that it is worse after the treadmill than after the road. Also, I can't seem to run comfortably after a long shift on the floor at work.

So, first, I have decided that I am a morning, street runner. This should help me rule out a few of the possibilities. And, quite honestly, I don't think that I will miss the treadmill at all. Well, maybe next July I will miss it a bit when I am forced up at 5 AM to beat the heat, but whatever...

I have managed two runs this week. Both on the Greenway. Both at a sub 9:45 pace. I ran 3.2 miles yesterday and 4.1 today. I wasn't going to run today, but I had gotten worked up this morning and needed to get out and clear my head.

I think the solitude of running is what I have missed the most.

I iced my legs down like crazy after each run. I also timed my stretching. No cheating, no rushing. So far, so good. A bit sore, but it feels like normal sore, not injury sore.

Can I say how excited I feel to have my old friends back in the morning? I will welcome back morning soreness and difficult stair navigation with open arms. It has seemed quite odd to be able to walk like a normal person before 8 AM. (I almost called it morning stiffness, heehee...)

Anyhoo, a boring post to read, I am quite sure. An exciting one to write, I assure you.

Tomorrow, the gym. Elliptical and weights. Boring, but necessary. I am also in dire need of more core work, as today's run seemed to take aim at my lower back (a new one.) Again, not injury, just more of a reminder of the great importance of core work.

Oh, and my heart rate? Crazy high. Oh, what a difference a month can make.

I hope it works the other way, too...

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