
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 13381, & my leg is sore...

So, my right calf is sore.  Well, not really the calf, just the muscle that runs down the side of the inner calf.  

I assume that I hurt it somehow after my long run Saturday, followed by 2 faster runs Sunday and Monday.  

Anyway, it doesn't hurt to walk on it, or run on it for that matter.  It is just tender and feels a bit swollen.

So, as I have the 4th of July 10K here on Friday, I opted for a 2.5 mile elliptical warm up before my training yesterday.  I forgot how much I hate the elliptical machine.  Tomorrow, for training, I will probably stick with the elliptical again.  Why push it?

Cut to the chase, you say?

Last week was great at 36 miles.  This week looks like it will end up in the low 20s, depending on how I feel after the race.  Also, my long run will be in Dodge City.  I have no idea how I will find a good route so it could go either way.

Race goals:

At worst, I will beat my 54:52 at an 8:49 pace
Hopefully, I will hold under an 8:30 pace, coming in under 52:45.
At best, I will come in under 52:00, and I will drink many a celebratory beer on the flight(s) to Kansas.

We'll see...

1 comment:

Charlie said...

Here's hoping you have a great 10K Chris and a happy 4th!